You know the feeling- it's a long,long day- that's when your club is playing tomorrow, Sunday, but in the meantime there is a full program of games today.
What do you do ?
Well, if you're anything like me I guess you'll take in all the football that you can, starting from Net, Newspapers, TV, anything.........leading to of all sorts and a hopefully rewarding MOTD/Championship show even, before you crash into bed.
Meawhile, having spent the afternoon with the bucolic (SO NOT) Jeff Stelling and his fantasmagorical crew on Sky Sports' Gillette Soccer Saturday, heart-failure may well be included.
How is it it possible for one Broadcaster, with a motley crew of ex-Footballer Monitor watchers, to engage you so? Because you know they do.
Take this afternoon for instance.
Jeff and the boys, on this occasion Matt Le Tissier, Paul Merson, Phil Thomson, Charlie Nicholas and crew, with their posse of in-game, at match, often gasping reporters managed to keep us on the edge of our chairs.
The skill in the program would appear to be the ability to keep us interested throughout the show, even in those moments when a great deal doesn't appear to be going on, and get us through to the close of games, where, whatever your allegiance, you can't help but be excited as the score changes from match to reported match, and things get more tense by the minute.
Eventually, they sum up, with the pertinent reports and post match interviews that'll form the basis of tomorrow's written press headline. Good stuff, indeed.
So at 5.30pm, I get to switch to ESPN's in-house coverage of Arsenal v Fulham. Let's see how it goes .And that's a very interesting 1-1 draw. Football First, MOTD, with a diversion via "The Killing". Gotta' keep a bit of perspective.
Swans tomorrow, with a full game report Sunday Evening/ Monday Morning.
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