So here we are at Monday night.
We're all waiting for Saturday really.
I've written, published, about the Blank Weekend.
I've considered,completed and am about to post, a preview of the Swans v Man Utd game this coming Saturday.
It'll be up on here Wednesday morning for reasons it's too difficult to explain.Call it timing, if you will.
Oh, dear, what next??
I dislike the spaces in-between. The fact that life has to go on in the gaps to Saturday.
That may be because your life has a deal more interest than mine , currently.
Any sympathies offered are gracefully accepted.
Any smirking "what a load of bollocks" comments are headed for the round file.
That's the bin.
Don't tell me I'm a sad sack, I know that.
That's why I write, innit?
Well, maybe.
After all, we're all killing time in one sense or another.
Aren't we??
Enough of this quasi-philosophical bullshit.....let's get onto some Football discussion ; there's been plenty of that to keep us amused and interested.
On said Blank Weekend for instance, England played Spain at Wembley, and won.
Wales played Norway at the CCS, and STILL won.
And Eye-er-land did indeed confound Cheese-Murnkey braggadoccio by winning, too, in Estonia.
To keep the cat, as Trap would have it, "steel een baaag".
That's right, England, with 29% possession against Spain 71% managed to win 1-0. With a set piece goal.
Clue No 1.
They defended in depth, committedely and frantically: some said they "parked the bus".
Clue No 2.
Finally, did Spain have an air of "Who gives a fuck?" about them, or was that just my mistaken perception ?
In the Welsh game, Speed's side gave the lie to that commentators stand-by of "It's all about Bale, Bellamy and Ramsey".
It's NOT you lazy people.
Matthews, Williams, Blake, Croft, Joey Allen, Morison and the rest proved that it's about the team, stupid.
In spades.
And in the stag capital of the Western World, Tallin, the Republic went 4-0 up in a first leg that showed the value of preparation.
Trappatoni, having been everywhere, was going nowhere but his stated aim - solidarity, structure and safety first.
Estonia, frustrated by this, committed the cardinal sin - overpressing - allowing Robbie Keane and his LA compadres (in spirit) to thrive.
Doncha' just love it. I do.
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