A Chelsea Q and A
Here it is, and I'll post the link to their site when I get it. Please enjoy, and I hope I've done us justice.
I'm Peter Thomas, and a 62 yr old Swansea City fan who saw his first game v Ipswich in 1963 at the Vetch Field. I'm a retired Teacher.
A Season Ticket Holder, Lower West Stand G120, I write a Swansea-centric blog at http://pierre91.blogspot.co.uk/ , and I'm on Twitter as @peterthomas91 which can be found here https://twitter.com/peterthomas91 . Would love it if you'd read me either occasionally or regularly. Thanks.
1. How do you think Swansea is looking so far this season?
After a terrific start and a stuttering 3 game losing streak we got back on track with a Home win to Wigan and last Saturday I thought we were a little unfortunate to come away with nothing from the Etihad, despite a genuinely decent performance. All in all, we're probably where we deserve to be be - mid table, and playing some decent football.
2. Are you happy with the business you did in the transfer window?
Very happy. To lose almost half of last year's first team ( Joe Allen, Sigurdsson, Caulker and Sinclair along with Neil Taylor's horrible leg break ) it was always going to be hard to replace them. So, with Flores at the back, Michu in MF and Pablo Hernandez wide we did well to get quality for decent prices. Similarly, De Guzman is settling in too, and young Ben Davies at LB has really been able to step up to the mark. A difficult transition looks as if it's bearing fruit, and we've retained a unique style - although it's evolved.
3. Which Chelsea player should Swansea be worried about? And vice-versa?
Juan Mata, in his current form scares me silly ( as I guess he does the rest of the League ) and Oscar looks like Kaka when he was good. Add to that Eden Hazard and Fernando Torres (I'm an admirer, still) and I'd say we might have our hands full.
From our end, Miguel Perez Cuesta aka Michu is the real deal - a goalscoring MF'er who looks languid but is top class. If Danny Graham plays to his capabilities he's a clever forward. All 3 of our wide men (only 2 will play) are in decent shape. Dyer, Routledge and Hernadez each have their own skillset, and all have pace to burn.
4. Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine that Swansea and Michael Laudrup would hook up one day? How is he doing d’you think?
I didn't think we'd get a Manager of his quality, but our Chairman Huw Jenkins and his board still keep pulling rabbits from hats. I think he's doing well. You may have read about "dressing room unrest" from the Daily Mail and its ilk recently - quite frankly that was a load of tabloid tosh that used 4 month old quotes to try to establish a scare-story. ML is professional, cultured, media-savvy and has a great deal more playing credibility than most players in the PL, so we fans are perfectly happy with him.
5. Do you think it was a mistake for Rodgers to leave Swansea for Liverpool when he did – was he ready?
Not really. When you're a Club like ours we'll always be vulnerable should one of you "big beasts" come calling. Let's be realistic here- when some Club of that magnitude comes along (even Liverpool in their reduced state) what ambitious Manager can afford either financially or career wise to turn them down? It may be a year earlier than I expected, but having gone I thank him for getting us into the Prem - but now he can sink or swim on his own merits, I really couldn't give a damn. The King is dead, long live the King.
6. They say the second season after promotion is always more difficult that the first – what do you think?
Yes, I do think it's harder as teams have seen you a couple of times around and will adjust their tactics accordingly, although I do hate Hansen, Lawrenson, Shearer and some other lazy pundits who bleat on about "second season syndrome". Statistically, there's no such thing, it's just a cliched soundbite. It's all down to how well we perform on the field.
7. What would make a good season for Swansea?
Another mid table finish , just like last year's 11th would be sublime, as the continued finance will cement the funding for both our Academy Development and Training Ground completion/upgrade, and lead to the first part of Stadium development. However, just staying in the Division means we get to play at this standard for another year - and that's the REAL treat.
8. Who's been your favourite Swansea player of all time & why?
I always admired Alan Curtis from the 80's side simply for his flair in playing the game. For those too young to remember him, he's now our first team coach, and he, just like Oscar with you, made the game look ridiculously easy. Top , top quality. In our current side, Michu is my man.
9. How much of a miss is Vorm going to be in the next few weeks?
Huge, huge loss.The worst thing that happened to us in Manchester was losing Vorm, who is a top 6 keeper. We have a hard period ahead, but we'll get through it I think. If you'd asked me who the one player we HAD to keep fit I'd have said the Keeper, not only for his outstanding defensive skills but for his sublime distribution. He's like an extra outfield player for us. Ah well, Vorsrung Durch Technik, go Gerhard Tremmel!
10. If you could choose any Chelsea player to join Swansea, who would it be and why?
Any chance of Atletico Madrid lending us Thibault Courtois for a few months?? No? Ah well, it'll have to be either Mata or Oscar - I'm sure they'd make any team better. Mind you, if Danny Sturridge fancies a spell by the seaside, he'd be very welcome too!
11. How do you think Chelsea will do this season?
I'd think you're pretty close to winning the League. Your performances this year (and I include the robbery last Sunday) have been, I think, the most impressive of any team I've seen. Just please please finish above Old Red Nose's charges - I hate Utd with a passion.
12. Finally, what are your predictions for the game?
I'm hopeful that we can repeat last year and get at least a 1-1 draw. I can't EVER bring myself to predict a loss for us - no fan can, surely, so I'll happily take a point.
Best regards, looking forward to a great game. I'll be there. If you should see an "old geezer" falling off his walking stick whilst going "loopy" when we score it's probably me. Please forgive.
I also write regularly for SCFC2 , one of the 2 most prominent Swansea City fansites, run by Jim White, Vice Chair of the Swansea City Supporters Trust, a 20% owner of our Club, and Planet Swans , run by Phil Sumbler, the Chair of that very same Swansea City Supporters Trust, all of which can be found from the highlighted text.
I recommend a visit to all if you want to get a taste of our Club. Enjoy.
Here's the link to the Chelsea Supporters Group website.
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