Well,I would suggest that the problem lies with the resulting polarity of opinions.
People either place in the "happy clappy" camp, or the "we're all doomed" faction , neither of which adequately describes EVERY poster - although I'm happy to admit that most of us are guilty of it now and again.
Problem is,as Mick McCarthy said the other day...".opinions are like arseholes, just 'cause we've all got one doesn't mean it needs to be aired all the time".
Having said that, any GB would be ill served if the only contributions were facts, figures, PR guff and the Party Line. If that's what you want then try any PL Official Website. So we read this (and other) board/s as well.
My analysis,for what it's worth, is this then.
Having played MC, Arsenal and Chelsea as our first 3 away games the results turned out as most expected with 3 defeats. But, as has been said both here and elsewhere, all 3 games were very,very different.
Having started well at the Etihad and competed for an hour we were blown away by the quality and inventiveness of the quality attack in opposition. Aguero ,arguably, was the catalyst. Remind yourself how much he cost.
At the Emirates, the game was totally different. I would argue that with a little more luck and experience (which we will get as we play more games) we could have come away with at least a point.
At the Bridge different again. For the first time this season I felt we started for the ONLY time this season looking a little in awe of Chelsea and their array of "stars". Despite imposing ourselves for brief 10/15 minute spells (mid first half/start second half) I came away with a tinge of disappointment for the ONLY time this season.
Our 3 home games giving us a draw against both Sunderland and Wigan (creditable and explainable both) and the win against West Brom show me that the team has made an observable advance tactically (better performance), practically (better results) and emotionally (happier fans, decent crowds).
As well as seeing all of our games so far (including Shrewsbury) and our home Reserve fixtures at Parc-y-Sgarlets I read as much as I can about not only us but all football.
I'm a Sky armchair fan too.
Poor sad me.
I happen to think that thus far we've done reasonably well from what I've seen, and I think also we'll not only continue that, but do a little better.
I honestly think the next 7 games, up and until and including Villa at home (which takes us to end of November) will give us all a pretty accurate picture of our progress.
I suspect I'm not so very different from a large proportion of our fans who love the Club and it's "Alice's Adventures in Premierland."
Guess that makes me a "happy clappy" eh?
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